Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Mooting/Advocacy Seminar - Special Guests! Thursday July 16 @ 4:30 p.m.

Clifton Yiu and Christopher Gould will be speaking to students at Seneca about mooting on Thursday July 16th from 4:30-6:30 Room E1406. Clifton and Chris are recent graduates of the paralegal program at Seneca College. They are also past members of the Seneca College Paralegal Moot Team and winners of the 2014 Paralegal Cup. Clifton and Chris also represented Seneca College for the first time at the 2015 Osgoode Cup beating over 90 teams from various universities and colleges across Canada to place 2nd in the competition. They were the only paralegal team to advance to the finals in the competition’s 10 year history!
LSSA invites all SLPA students to this very special seminar with Chris and Clifton. Please note that for those students in first or second semester of the paralegal program who might be interested in trying out for the Seneca College Paralegal Moot Team in the fall and participating in the 2015 Paralegal Cup and 2016 Osgoode Cup Competitions are strongly encouraged to attend.
Attend to learn more about mooting and about Chris and Clifton’s mooting experience, as well as tips for developing excellent advocacy and mooting skills!

For more information about the Paralegal Cup visit: